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Dollars Pledged of $15,000,000



“One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.” Psalm 145:4

For more than 60 years, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church has faithfully proclaimed the Gospel, standing for truth and seeking to bring hope and renewal to our broken culture. As Billy Graham said, “Coral Ridge has become a phenomenon in the Kingdom of God that is being followed by churches all over the world.” We praise God for what he has done and now look forward to the future with great anticipation.

It has been over 30 years since our church held a vision campaign to build for the future. I believe the time is now, to recommit ourselves to the ongoing work of God at Coral Ridge. This is not for us, but for our children and our children’s children. By God’s grace, we trust that He will continue to use our church to advance His Kingdom to the ends of the earth for generations to come.

The Generation to Generation campaign is an important step in realizing our vision to equip Gospel-centered, culture-shaping Christians. This is an incredibly exciting time to be a part of Coral Ridge. As we look to the future, we must dare to dream again, to believe that God will do something great at a key moment in the life of our church, our city, and our world. May this be our defining moment as we partner with God to make Him known from Generation to Generation.

For Christ and His Church,

Pastor Rob Pacienza

Our Top Priorities

The Generation to Generation vision campaign seeks to create a culture-shaping movement through five key areas: Preservation, Fellowship, Education, Worship, and Next Generation.


Wall Breaking Ceremony | Sunday, August 14, 2022

On Sunday, August 14, we officially launched phase one of construction on the Generation to Generation Capital Campaign. We gathered in the Kennedy Fellowship Hall for a time of worship, prayer, and wall breaking! The event closed with our church family surrounding the Kennedy Fellowship Hall with prayers and Scripture for the next generation and for how God will use this campaign for his glory.

If you were unable to attend the wall breaking ceremony, click here to view the full celebration service



Fulfill our vision to equip Gospel-centered, culture-shaping Christians from Generation to Generation.

Countless statistics and studies point to the alarming reality of a mass exodus from the church by the next generation. The Generation to Generation Capital Campaign seeks to correct this trend by equipping our people with a biblical worldview, and providing the tools to shape culture in the public square.

It’s time that we embrace God’s calling for Coral Ridge to lead the way in this cultural moment as a church that stands for truth and remains committed to advancing the Kingdom through the Great Commission and Cultural Mandate. Coral Ridge has done it before, and by God’s grace, we can do it again. Will we allow the world to shape us or will we shape the world? The possibilities are truly endless! Generation to Generation is a culture-shaping movement.

Widespread Impact

Growing up as a teenager in South Florida, I was confused, had major questions, and needed help. By God’s grace, help came through a place called Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church. This ministry has left an indelible mark on my life. Everything I have come to know of authentic, biblical Christianity was a result of the witness of Coral Ridge.

Dr. Albert Mohler

President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

You have demonstrated a tireless, indefatigable, heroic commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I thank God for your ministry.

Dr. R.C. Sproul

Pastor, Theologian, Founder of Ligonier Ministries

My prayer for you is that you will understand you were called to the Kingdom for such a time as this, to make an everlasting impression on this nation and the world.

Bishop Harry Jackson

Pastor and Author

I hope and pray that Coral Ridge will take the past as prologue and use it as an encouragement. See what God has done in the past, and you will expect even greater things from God as you are obedient to his call for the future. 

Dr. Richard Land

President of the Southern Evangelical Seminary

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